Options for Illuminated Signs
Animated signs: a sign that uses changes in light and color to create the impression of motion or that incorporates actual mechanical elements that move. Animated signs may achieve motion through the use of electrical power or by mechanical means, for instance wind currents. Signs that flash on and off give the impression of motion, but in animated signs, the motion is more integral to the design and message.
Backlit letters: channel lettering, open-backed or translucent and lit from within or behind, that throws light back onto the support surface to create a halo effect around the letters. (Sometimes called silhouette or halo lettering.)
Ballast: an electrified sign that secures and powers fluorescent lamp
Exterior illuminated signs: a sign lit by an external light source apart aimed at the face of the sign (i.e not lit from within).
Flashing signs: a lit up sign that turns on and off, creating the illusion of movement and attracting attention to the sign’s message. Flashing signs usually contain a single primary message that is repeated over and over as the sign cycles on and off.
Front-lighted letters: channel letter illuminated from behind or containing a light source, with translucent face that conveys light forward.
Neon signs: sign fashioned from continuous hollow tubing bent in the shape of letters or images, filled with gases that glow when an electrical current is passed through the tubing.
Open channel letters: dimensional letters with open fronts that, when illuminated, reveal the light source. At times, open channel letters use a sheet of transparent material to protect any interior elements.